The Long Approach to Farmer's Market

Well, the day has nearly arrived. The official sale of the first pineapple. The hustle and bustle of the open-air marketplace, the smell of the herbs and greens and fruit and other food. The haggling over price with tourists and locals alike.

We are all ready to go (as you can see, we've got a cash box and everything) and we thought we'd be picking today and selling tomorrow. But our good friend and pineapple mentor, Sousa, stopped by, and said we needed to give it at least a week. Maybe two.

He was encouraging, saying that we've got choke on the way, but not enough are quite ripe enough to be worth taking to the market just yet.

As much as I'm really raring to go peddle some pineapple, and with as much fruit that we've sampled that looks just like the ones on the stalks now, we've decided that we need to follow Sousa's advice and wait a little longer.

Keep fingers crossed for next week!

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